Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Relationships" Part One

I would like to do a series of articles based on the relationships we have in our lives; from spouses to siblings and those in between! I really hope you guys enjoy it, and if there are any subjects anyone would like talked about I would be more than happy to take suggestions.  Anyways, today I'm going to talk about my husband, Thomas, and I. Now I'm not writing on marriage because I'm some sort of expert; I have just gone through more counseling that most people and together Thomas and I have had some extraordinarily hard times and have learned some hard heartfelt lessons.
Firstly, I'd like to talk about bad mouthing your spouse behind their back.  Now as a woman I sadly love gossip (guilty pleasure, horrible I know) and it's so easy to fall into a trap of venting to a girlfriend or even your mom.  While venting is fine, healthy even, you have to stay respectful.  It's hard not to start calling names, possibly exaggerating even just to get your point across.  You're eventually gonna make up with your sweetie and things will go back to the way they were or even better.  But now you've got your friend/mom/whoever thinking ill of your other half.  Now you're in a spot!  And if so make it mutually agreed upon that there will be no bad mouthing behind eachothers back.  There's no need for it and nothing is gained from it but hurt, so just think about that the next time you wanna start going off on how crappy of a relationship you have.  Now that talking behind backs has been discussed I feel it's even more important to watch what you say to their face!  A large number of my friends in relationships that fight like crazy, all gloves are off and they're going in for the kill.  Why? Why? Why? I absolutely HATE seeing my hubby hurt!  In a fit of anger or not I never want to intentionally be a cause of pain to him.  If you aren't really that concerned about that point, then I guarantee you, you're in the wrong relationship or possibly shouldn't be in one!  Stay respectful to eachother.  It is vital in a relationship that mutual respect is given.  And remember this, "If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, water your own damn lawn!"

That's all for now!

Peace Out

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Very well-written, and made me think about how I behave myself when I'm venting!!
