Thursday, July 19, 2012


     Okay, in the past my hubby and I have been very spoiled with a Christmas bonus at the first of December making the holiday shopping very easy on the finances.  Most people are not as lucky...and now neither are we.  To make a long story very short, we no longer get the Christmas bonus.  At first when I found out I freaked out, but sat on the computer looking at the budget and we made a plan.  In this economy very few of us can actually save money.  The second we get a paycheck it's gone on bills and somehow we're still behind.  I'll get into finaces in another post, for now I'd like to stick with Christmas shopping becuase I think a lot of people can benefit from this plan. 
     Department stores know that this year spending will not be what it has been in the past so more and more are offering layaway plans.  Layaway is PERFECT for Christmas. Here are a few stores that I know are doing layaway this year, although I'm sure there are more: Walmart, Kmart, Sears, Best Buy, Toys R Us, TJMaxx, Marshalls, Burlington Coat Factory, among many others. Depending on what your budget is for Christmas you'll need to decide when you should start shopping. 
I should have started earlier, but August is my starting point.  I am going to start shopping here pretty soon and I'll be putting nearly everything on layaway.  This also helps with the price gouging that a lot of stores do during the holidays, so if you beat the holiday season you get more for less. You can add more to your layaway as you pay more things off.  Have a certain amount set aside in your budget, no matter how small, and make sure the full amount goes to the layaway program.  Try never to just pay the minimum. Get the gifts paid off as soon as you can.
     Alright, so now you've got a pretty steady stream of gifts coming throughout the upcoming months.  What do you do with them? If you have little peekers like I do even the best hiding spots are rarely enough.  We've decided to rent a small storage unit for $25 a month and keep everything Christmas oriented in there.  It helps with the clutter we get at Christmas and keeps prying eyes out!
     Financial stress does a lot to a person and a relationship.  Christmas is the worst time of year for financial issues because there is so much going out and some parents like myself tend to overdue it at Christmas and end up putting us in a financial bind until tax time. This plan not only helps guarantee a less stressful Christmas but it'll help you actually have an enjoyable one :)

That's all for now!

-Peace Out-


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