Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Struggling through pain

We all have days where our bodies are in a lot of pain. It's when those days go on and on and on with no relief that I can't handle. I'm in a lot of pain today and am not dealing well. My poor little ones are stuck being entertained by the television and are eating snacks! I've had to turn to pain pills waiting on a surgery to fix my messed up insides; and I'm far from happy about that. 99% of the time my marijuana is enough to cure whatever is ailing me, but not this time :( So many people struggle with chronic pain and with the epidemic of prescription medication abuse on the rise it's very scary!! I know personally that if I would have taken better care of my body all these years I might not be in this spot. We don't exercise or eat well enough to keep our bodies in the shape they could be in. But if you're like me it's not as easy as joining a gym and working out; I have too many pain issues for that. Doing yusomething small like a two block walk would be perfect to start, but just do something. It's hard for me too but something's got to start! I read something online about being more compassionate with ourselves, caring more about our bodies and our mental health. The better we feel about ourselves the more likely we are to take better care of our health. For the longest time I literally didn't care about my health, figured I'd always be lucky and the lived the famous saying "nothing serious would happen to me". I have been lucky compared to some though, I will say that. But it's definitely time for me to start taking better overall care of my body and work on being kind to myself...if you don't love yourself, nobody else will!

That's all for now :)

Peace out!

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