Friday, July 13, 2012

Intro to ME!!!

Hello All!!!
As stated in my description, I love to write!  I also have a quite unique situation, but doesn't everybody?  In this blog, I am going to strive to be an author that is relatable.  I am a mom of beautiful little girls, a wife to a great husband (But they all have their days lol), an actress, medical marijuana patient (of which I will get more into later on), a daughter, sister, and friend. I suffer from PTSD, chronic depression, and have a horrible anxiety disorder. Although I am finding the light at the end of my tunnel and bright times are in sight!  I am REAL!  I wear pajamas to the store occasionally...I use duct tape..a lot lol...and I run around like a chicken with my head cut off 90% of the time. I don't weigh what I should, and don't eat nearly as well as I should.  I also have a huge heart that gets me in trouble a lot. I have had issues with boundaries my entire life...BUT that's changing!  It's time to start living and being happy, and not someone elses idea of happy! I would like to gain a following of people that relate and would love to chat and bring up great ideas for articles. I'm very excited about not only helping people realize they're not alone, but for my own sanity as well.  I will leave this intro short and will be writing more in the morning when I'm more!

Peace Out Always


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