Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dealing with loss

A very dear friend of my husband's passed to the other side today. The tears well up, waves of emotion come and go, and memories are held with more appreciation. Although sadly I did not know this friend, and this is the first time in our marriage we have had to deal with a close death. I hate to see him hurt, rips my heart out. We've both dealt with the death of close ones in our past, but this time we at least have each other. Having someone to lean on is so important especially in hard times like these. As a wife, being there with arms open is all I can offer. I'm reminded now of how lucky we are, and it takes hard times to see that sometimes, sadly. For some, there is time to say goodbye and some not. If you're still reading this please take just a moment today to remember that you're lucky to be here, even if you don't want to be. You're here for some reason...make it count!


  1. I nearly lost my sister 3 years ago. Her heart stopped 5 times during childbirth. The first of which was for over 30 minutes. We didn't know if she would survive, and if she did, whether she'd be normal. It was the single worst thing I personally ever experienced. Tugging and pushing between the line of life and death. Writing helped me to cope with it at the time.

    1. Agreed. It's an extremely difficult time. Writing does seem to help, I think I should start nagging at the hubby to keep a journal!!! Hope all went well with your sister :)
