Saturday, July 14, 2012

Just be you &;3

Everyone in your life has their own opinion on how you should live your life. It's always about how you should do things better, be better...whatever it is. Too often we take others opinions and let it affect how we live our life. How are you supposed to truly be happy in life if you're living it for everyone else? Just being you is enough; more than enough actually.

This is the lesson I'm working on right now. It's a hard one though. We want approval from those around us. It's imbedded in us from when we're little to try and make others happy. Us as parents need to make sure that we are teaching our kids how to be happy within themselves. Being a parent is by FAR the hardest job ever. We take for granted that everything we do when they are young is shaping them for life! And people will tell you how to raise your kids and you HAVE to let it roll off you and raise your kids the way YOU believe is right!

Stick to your convictions, trust in yourself and Just Be You <3

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