Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year, New Me!

This new year brings a new Krista and I couldn't be more excited! There's a transformation happening within the deeper parts of myself and it's healing.
Personal growth is the reason we are here! Whatever your beliefs are, that's always 1 constant in all religions/faiths-personal growth. We get so wrapped up in what we have to do on a daily basis and we forget to take care of ourselves and be constantly growing. Our obstacles in life are lessons, how we come out of them shows us what we're made of!
My whole approach to life is different than ever before; maybe it's just me turning 30!! But I'm done being a people pleaser and a doormat really. Loving me as I am, not as I could be, is my first step. I'm actually pretty awesome :)
I want you all to enjoy my blogs and I have tons of ideas for upcoming posts! If there's something you'd like my point of view on....let me know! Thanks for reading my morning thoughts!

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