Sunday, January 13, 2013

What is a passion party by Krista like?

I'm sure you all aren't quite sure what to expect at my Passion Parties. I want to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and know that's it's ok to talk about sex. Am i gonna be throwing big toys in your face? No, but you will have a chance to taste, smell, and touch many of our exclusive products and liven senses that you may have forgot about! The best is the party itself, they're always fun! Boredom, especially bedroom boredom, is a huge issue for a lot of couples and needs fixing, because you are worth it and deserve a passionate and updated love life! There's no longer a need to hush and stay quiet about what you're needing and feeling! I also want to mention that everything is confidential, unless I have your express permission to give your wish list to your lover for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, all kinds of stuff!

Communication is KEY! We are not mind readers!! Communicate with your partner and explain what you're desiring and listen to theirs with NO judgement! This is essential!

So the parties....we'll have snacks, drinks, great company to be around, games, giveaways, and so much more. Don't be scared to attend a party, they are educational and tastefully done! Being a hostess makes you the queen of the night with tons of incentives! And your only job as a hostess is to host the place and invite the guests, that's it!! I take care of everything else!

That's all for now :) will be posting essential sex facts in the next blog...stay tuned!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year, New Me!

This new year brings a new Krista and I couldn't be more excited! There's a transformation happening within the deeper parts of myself and it's healing.
Personal growth is the reason we are here! Whatever your beliefs are, that's always 1 constant in all religions/faiths-personal growth. We get so wrapped up in what we have to do on a daily basis and we forget to take care of ourselves and be constantly growing. Our obstacles in life are lessons, how we come out of them shows us what we're made of!
My whole approach to life is different than ever before; maybe it's just me turning 30!! But I'm done being a people pleaser and a doormat really. Loving me as I am, not as I could be, is my first step. I'm actually pretty awesome :)
I want you all to enjoy my blogs and I have tons of ideas for upcoming posts! If there's something you'd like my point of view on....let me know! Thanks for reading my morning thoughts!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


     Hey everybody!!! I know I have kind of dropped off the face of the planet lately, depression really got the best of me through the holidays (I'll blog on that soon); BUT I'm back and back on the grid!!! And I have very exciting news, I have decided to become a Passion Party Consultant!  Is that not like SO ME??? It's perfect.  I honestly have wanted to do it for a while but spent time looking for the best company with the best products and I can finally say that I have found it and its Passion Parties!! One thing I really love is that it is educational and they provide constant training for me to know the most I can to help empower women and couples to regain maybe something they've lost.

     I'm also turning 30 next week!!!  My amazing friends are throwing a birthday party for me at a Sports Bar and we're gonna do Karaoke so I'm stoked about turning 30 actually; it's taken a few mental battles but I really am excited.  We do such stupid crap in our 20's and I have gained a lot of wisdom through my 20's and I'm ready to kick ass this year!  I have a completely different outlook on life and I'm using it! I am not on this earth to please anyone! I have my lessons in this life I need to learn and I have to do it, no one can do it for me! I'm learning things about myself and I would have never dreamed I would have made it this far honestly, but I have and I'm gonna rock it!

     That's all for now loves....stay tuned for some great articles and make sure to subscribe!!!

Sending out tons of love <3